April 6, 2007, Newsletter Issue #60: Looking Your Best During Breast Cancer Treatment

Tip of the Week

Breast cancer and beauty pageants may not go hand in hand, but there is no reason why a woman should not continue to look her best during treatment. A positive outlook is vital to taking action against breast cancer, and maintaining your appearance can point your attitude in the right direction. Continue your usual makeup regime, using concealer to mask any dark circles you may have under your eyes. If you are receiving chemotherapy, use mascara and an eyebrow pencil to add emphasis to thinning lashes and brows. Wear hats, scarves, or wigs if you feel self-conscious about thinning hair, or wear your hair in a shorter style to mask thin patches. Moisturize dry skin and apply sunscreen daily. Treat yourself to regular manicures and pedicures as well. There is no time like now to pamper yourself. After all, the better you look, the better you will feel.

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